Before we dive into this, let’s take a moment to appreciate the incredible support Houston showed to its small businesses during food influencer Keith Lee’s visit. I recently had a conversation where the buzz was all about Keith Lee coming to town and why it takes someone like him to get people on board with supporting black-owned businesses in Houston. Let me set the record straight – Houston, you’ve stepped up, and that’s something to be proud of.
From what I’ve witnessed over the years the foundation for supporting local black-owned businesses is already laid here in Houston. That’s what makes this city so unique. Not only have I seen influencers and patrons support, I’ve also seen local black owned business owners support each other. So imagine my surprise when I kept hearing the disheartening question comparing local influencers to someone like Keith Lee, who is more widely known. Don’t these local businesses need support from both?! Our city’s influencers, especially those in Houston, have worked hard to create a space where positivity thrives, where people are able to explore and learn about the new and existing black-owned businesses that are thriving in Houston, and it doesn’t disappear when the spotlight shifts.
It saddens me that supporting black businesses is still a topic of conversation. It felt very disappointing to hear the comparison so many times in so many different spaces . “Why does Keith Lee have to come to the city for people to support?” It made me feel that the focus was on division in the community. Isn’t the groundwork already done by local influencers, so that when larger influencers come to visit, it just adds to the amplification of these businesses, leading to growth and continued success? Acknowledging and supporting black businesses shouldn’t be a trend; it should be a constant.

Let’s change the narrative. Instead of questioning, let’s celebrate the success of local businesses and the influencers who contribute to their growth no matter from what space they come. Their impact is real and not exclusive to those who hold the golden ticket. Whether you’re a creator or a consumer, ask yourself why you feel a certain way about this. Keith Lee came and made a positive impact on Houston food culture.
One piece of wisdom I would like to extend as a consultant is that it’s vital to recognize that support for local businesses goes beyond a viral visit. It’s about sustaining and empowering these businesses for the long haul. Houston and beyond, keep supporting your local influencers. They play a crucial role, often generating income through their platforms. If you haven’t already, find someone you resonate with, follow them, and engage. It’s a small action that goes a long way in ensuring they can continue their valuable work.
Big thanks to Keith Lee, the local creators in Houston, and everyone championing these businesses. Let’s not just hope these businesses thrive; let’s ensure they do, now and forevermore.